Saturday 11 August 2012

Day 2: Another busy day. I had to install battons along the bottom sides..This involved drilling through the metal side plates with a 4mm drill, then half drilling with a 5mm in the same holes..and then screwing the wooden batton onto the metal with self tapping screws....
Then I screwed the plywood sheets onto the battons. Today I finished almost all the bottom ply sheets. I tried mounting 1 ceiling board...had some trouble, until I decided to nail on a wooden plank all the boat...stern to bow....along each top corner....This gives an easy way of identifying where to screw from beneath when holding up the ceiling board (6mm ply). I then screwed the centre of the board to the top centre of the boat onto the battons provided by the boat builder. Pics of this tomorrow. 1 installed, and looks good. I spent the rest of the day cutting back more ceiling spray it was in the way of the ceiling ply edges.

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